Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Remembering the past

I remmember what I used to write about.

Characters and Factions

The Children
Teenagers toting guns on bombshelled streets, and ruling parts of a city by themselves. Living and dying on their own because they were orphaned, runaways, or nobody simply cared about them. I'm going to call them The Children in my new set of stories.

A corrupt remnants of a corporation which now supplies Unicef food from the outside, at a cost. Bottled water, food rations. They all have their different prices, some that only the most desperate would be willing to pay. One of the many fuedal and powerful ganglord families in The City.

The City
The city itself lives and breathes with a life of it's own. Hopes and Dreams have been made and lost here. There's always a constant influx of people from outside who have heard the City offers more hope than the desolate farm lands, which have been dying from exposure to nuclear radiation for the past 20 years.

Adult Citizens
Most children don't make it past the age of 14 in the City. The lucky ones that do, either flee to other countries, or fall in love and try to make an honest living in the city. Some do, some don't, others fail and become junkies, streetwalkers, or the other kinds of walking filth that roam the city streets at night. Preying on newcomers, the innocent, weak, or simply unfortunate.

Some fight the bad fight, others fight the good fight, some don't fight at all, and just keep their heads down and hope they don't get noticed for trouble.

The Church
There's only one church left standing in the city. That's only because The Church minister negotiated with the mob bosses, and every major faction around for this to church to be a safe haven for everyone. It's become a cultural taboo to fight on Holy Ground, especially in the City where there is SO much death and suffering. Many attend mass, mob bosses, to underlings, They believe in a god too.

The Free Lady's Society
After 10 years of suffering from rioting and rape, the Free Ladies of the city, rich in some respects, pooled their money and resources together to buy a part of the city, the worst part, a stinky, sewage-seeped island with a bridge they could lift to restrict access if they wanted too.

They maintained and cleaned the place up, offering respectable quarters for visitors, and even opened the only airport into and out of The City. Airspace is restricted and only helicopters can really fly in or out, unharassed by the mob kingpins. Almost nobody ever leaves, except maybe one or two people a flight, and you can't evacuate an entire city this way.

The Kingpins
Drugs, special appetites, or even homes, security systems, and luxury goods, all of these can be bought from the Kingpins for a price, your first born child, Ratting out a loved one, anything anyone could possibly name as a price has been done and served.

The Government
Self-Ruled, a council runs the City like a city-state in old Greece. Most of the council is corrupt, and only seeking to use their power for wealth and self-gratification, it's a rare man that'll do it for the right cause, and a rarer man who can stay alive while doing it for the right cause.

The Vermin
The unfortunates, vagabonds, and wanderers who happen to get bitten by either of the many werewolves or vampires that stalk the nightly streets. Mainly claim it's a myth, just a legend, but even so, many people have taken to anoiting their doorways with holywater and sleeping with silver knives clutched in one hand.

The general populace fears them more than you might suspect, they manifest the horrors and fears within everyone, and when found alone, are generally killed on sight.


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